Oops! One wrong equation caused the climate scare
RED FACES all round among the profiteers of doom. A wrong equation
that falsely triples the tiny direct warming caused by doubling CO2
concentration has been discovered and exposed in a major peer-reviewed paper
just published in the Science Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(LINK - pdf), one
of the world’s top learned journals. No rogue equation, no climate crisis.
It says the amount by which climate scientists multiply the direct
warming from, say, CO2 to allow for “temperature feedbacks” – changes to the
climate because it has warmed that make it warm still further – is equal to the
reciprocal of 1 minus a third of the sum of all the feedbacks.
They say the feedbacks, measured in Watts per square meter of the Earth
per Celsius degree of direct warming, add up to 2. So the equation tells them
to multiply by 3. Just 1 Celsius degree of warming from doubling CO2 in the air
suddenly, wrongly becomes 3 degrees. A non-event becomes a crisis.
James Hansen – the former director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space
Studies (who once said anyone who questioned his math should be tried for “high
crimes against humanity”, for which the penalty is death) – had lifted the
rogue equation, the Bode system-gain relation, from a 551-page tome by R.W.
Bode about feedback amplification in electronic circuits, published 70 years
Hansen, and the tiny handful of other climate scientists who realized
the rogue equation came from electronic circuitry, had assumed it would work
for all kinds of dynamical systems from electronic circuits to the Earth’s
climate. But it doesn’t.
It applies only to certain systems whose output (in a circuit, the
voltage) does not operate to bring the system back into balance after an
overload. But in the climate rising temperature restores the balance between
incoming and outgoing radiation. Warming acts against the feedbacks. It damps
them down.
Also, in a circuit, when the feedbacks reach a threshold value the
current suddenly changes direction and goes around the circuit the other way. A
positive current instantaneously becomes a negative current. In process
engineers’ jargon, the current flicks from the positive to the negative rail.
But in the climate rising feedbacks cannot flick temperature down when they
were driving it up just before.
Why does this matter? Because it means the true warming from a doubling
of CO2 concentration is not 3 or 5 or 10 Celsius. All the scare stories have
been wrong from the get-go. Scientists came up with these exaggerated
predictions because, and only because, they were using the wrong equation.
Take the misplaced equation out of your computer model – as the paper by
four leading researchers in the Science Bulletin demonstrates – and the climate
“crisis” melts away. And it’s the only thing that will melt away. Just three
months ago, the world had more sea ice than for 35 years. Also, despite record
increases in CO2 concentration, there has been no global warming for 18 years 3
Now we know why.
Not a single red cent need have been spent on making global warming go
away. But in Paris this December world leaders – unless they and their advisers
read the Science Bulletin – will approve a savage global-government treaty that
will give the unelected UN unprecedented powers to tax and regulate elected
governments in the name of Saving The Planet from Thermageddon.
And all because of one wrong equation.