AGW - A falsified hypothesis
The hypothesis is that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions are causing dangerous global warming. - known as man-made or anthropogenic global warming (AGW.)
Falsification 1
Albert Einstein once said, “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.” Einstein’s words express a foundational principle of science intoned by the logician, Karl Popper: Falsifiability. In order to verify a hypothesis there must be a test by which it can be proved false. A thousand observations may appear to verify a hypothesis, but one critical failure could result in its demise. The history of science is littered with such examples.
Man Made Global Warming Hypothesis Falsified - multiple times.
In April 2011, this blog posted
which began:
The hypothesis is that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions are causing dangerous global warming. - known as man-made or anthropogenic global warming (AGW.)
Albert Einstein once said, “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”
Einstein’s words express a foundational principle of science intoned by the logician, Karl Popper: Falsifiability. In order to verify a hypothesis there must be a test by which it can be proved false. A thousand observations may appear to verify a hypothesis, but one critical failure could result in its demise. The history of science is littered with such examples.
Man Made Global Warming Hypothesis Falsified - multiple times.
In April 2011, this blog posted
which began:
The hypothesis is that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions are causing dangerous global warming. - known as man-made or anthropogenic global warming (AGW.)
Albert Einstein once said, “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”
Einstein’s words express a foundational principle of science intoned by the logician, Karl Popper: Falsifiability. In order to verify a hypothesis there must be a test by which it can be proved false. A thousand observations may appear to verify a hypothesis, but one critical failure could result in its demise. The history of science is littered with such examples.
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by IPCC Expert Reviewer
Dr Vincent Gray
JANUARY 21st 2014
Science is supposed to take place by the use of the “Scientific Method” defined in the following way.
“The principles and empirical processes of discovery and demonstration considered characteristic of or necessary for scientific investigation, generally involving the observation of phenomena, the formulation of a hypothesis concerning the phenomena, experimentation to demonstrate the truth or falseness of the hypothesis, and a conclusion that validates or modifies the hypothesis”
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The Earth Is happily gobbling more CO2.
Gaia is happily consuming increased carbon dioxide. |
GAIA is alive and well and protecting the Earth from evil CO2.
Sorry, that's tongue in cheek. But it appears that the planet is coping with the increased carbon dioxide.
The Idso's great site CO2 Science (link in title) reports on a new peer reviewed paper:
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Frankenstein Monster consuming Upper Hunter ratepayers
Image: Fine Art America. |
A very well written letter by Peter Bishop of "Wootton," Scone appeared in the letters to the editor of the Land on Thursday 23 August, 2012.
Nine rural shires in NSW are not holding elections this year because they have either not enough or the bare minimum of candidates. Life on the land is increasingly hard and fewer farmers can spare the time for local government.
I have put my hand up for the Upper Hunter Shire Council. I served on the Merriwa Shire Council and the Upper Hunter Development Board and given Merriwa is a rural shire, farm land its main source of rates, I thought I knew my way around.
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A Cunning Stunt! (and UPDATE)
Our Prime Minister was brilliant yesterday. She called a press conference to immediately increase the immigrant numbers that Australia accepts yearly. (Link NY Times)
"Trust" Fun: No Carbon Tax!
The increase in the annual refugee intake — to 20,000 from 13,700, the biggest increase in 30 years — caps two weeks of bruising debate after the release of an expert report on immigration commissioned by the Australian government.This was made necessary because our migrant intake has been flooded with country-seeking boat people (not asylum seekers as they have already passed through countries where they would be granted asylum). True asylum seekers do not get a look-in because of this flood of boat people.
Wind and Solar Power is all hot air and no substance
Guest Post by TonyfromOz. |
Can wind and solar replace or even compete with coal and nuclear power.?
This article looks at whether wind and solar, as mooted and promoted and subsidised by the Federal government with taxpayers’ money can replace existing coal power or be a viable alternative to nuclear power if coal is phased out.
For replacement of power on this scale, the most important thing to look at is not the Nameplate Capacity of the Plant, the size, but the actual power delivered and that is shown in the fourth column where all bar one are the same, that 69 TWH (TerraWattHours)
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Kessler reveals the truth about Al Gore: An Egotistical Ass!
In a book by distinguished reporter and author Ronald Kessler titled "In the President's Secret Service" we learn of behind the scenes events in the protection of the Presidents.
Alan Jones interviewed ex-broadcaster, ex-policeman Michael Smith regarding the misappropriation of union funds by PM Julia Gillard's former lover, Bruce Wilson.
Interview between Alan Jones and Michael Smith on 2GB is availablehere.
Although this blog has written of these events before (See here, here, here and more recently here) a few interesting things came out of Michael Smith's forensic analysis of the events.
The book was described by USA Today as a "fascinating exposé ... high-energy read ... amusing, saucy, often disturbing anecdotes about the VIPs the Secret Service has protected and still protects .
We learn of moral men and philanderers; highly decent men and complete phonies like the father of the Global Financial Crisis Jimmy Carter.
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Julia Gillard and Bruce Wilson and Union Funds
Michael Smith |
Interview between Alan Jones and Michael Smith on 2GB is availablehere.
Although this blog has written of these events before (See here, here, here and more recently here) a few interesting things came out of Michael Smith's forensic analysis of the events.
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Carbon Dioxide is innocent - peer-reviewed.
That's it!
The Game is up!
The hoax has been exposed and the Alarmists must hand back their research grants and find a new line of work. Al Gore and the IPCC must hand back their Nobel Peace Awards. Michael Mann must smash his hockey stick for the final time.
In the peer-reviewed journal "International Journal of Modern Physics B" (link) Q.-B. LU from the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Departments of Biology and Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada has detailed a research paper
The Game is up!
The hoax has been exposed and the Alarmists must hand back their research grants and find a new line of work. Al Gore and the IPCC must hand back their Nobel Peace Awards. Michael Mann must smash his hockey stick for the final time.
In the peer-reviewed journal "International Journal of Modern Physics B" (link) Q.-B. LU from the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Departments of Biology and Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada has detailed a research paper
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Man-Made Global Warming WRONG - The Ten Reasons.
10 Reasons why Man-Made Global Warming is Wrong.
1 Temperature
CO2 emissions by humans are supposed to increase the temperature; that is the basic point of man-made global warming [AGW]. The more CO2 in the atmosphere the hotter it should get. That is a basic AGW prediction. It is isn’t happening. Walter Brozek analyses the official temperature data from all the main sources including the satellites. Brozek uses 2 criteria; the first from NOAA to test for flatness or zero warming; the second from Dr Phil Jones to test for no statistical warming; the 2 criteria overlap with the second allowing for some slight warming and the first for even cooling. The first shows zero temperature for 15 years; the second for up to 23 years. The first is climatically significant by NOAA standards, the second by Dr Santer’s standards. This means the temperature is not being caused by AGW. The only line going up is CO2:
10 Facts and 10 Myths about Climate Change: Prof Bob Carter
In response to the Climate Council's busted 5 Common Myths, Professor Bob Carter has responded with his own 10 Facts and 10 Myths Originally published by Global Research in 2009.
1. Climate has always changed, and it always will. The assumption that prior to the industrial revolution the Earth had a “stable” climate is simply wrong. The only sensible thing to do about climate change is to prepare for it.
Ten facts about climate change
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